Searching for a change in gender violence perpetrators

Intervention Alternatives

Keywords: Duluth model, Educational model, Psychoeducational model, Psychosocial-educational model, theory of change, Net of working, study teams in masculinities


In the last few years there has been quite a lot of criticism about the Intervention programs for abusive men, not only on their framework but also upon their ideological basis. This work is not meant to be an exhaustive review nor its intention is to continue with the debate over such criticism. We simply wish to clearly describe three models of Intervention and explain the theory of change which many stakeholders take for granted, but are not always explicitly mentioned.  The first two models are widely known but the third one is an integrative model named  “psycho-social-educational” and was developed by RETEM in Argentina. We would like to explain the main features of this model  to the academic community and also to our government officials who still ignore the scope of our interventions.


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How to Cite
Payarola, M. A. (2023). Searching for a change in gender violence perpetrators. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 10(19), 8-12.