Emotional dependence in couple relationships of young people in the municipality of San Salvador, Hidalgo

Keywords: Emotional dependence, couple relationships, emotional needs


The objective of this article is to describe the way in which young people from the municipality of San Salvador, Hidalgo present emotional dependence in their relationships. It has a quantitative, descriptive and transversal approach. The sample consisted of 30 young people from the municipality of San Salvador, Hidalgo, whose ages ranged from 15 to 27 years. The Emotional Dependency Questionnaire was applied to them in its version adapted to Mexico. The results indicate that they present some characteristics of emotional dependence, most of them do not present alarming results, but only a part of the participants expressed worrying responses regarding their relationship.


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How to Cite
García Hernández , A. U., & Canales Basulto, S. F. (2023). Emotional dependence in couple relationships of young people in the municipality of San Salvador, Hidalgo. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 11(Especial), 10-14. https://doi.org/10.29057/esa.v11iEspecial.11394