Design and implementation of the leveling programme to obtain a degree in music at the UAEH

Keywords: bachelor's degree in music, professionalization, curriculum design, musical career


This paper covers the background for the creation and elaboration of the curricular design of the Academic Leveling Program to obtain the Bachelor of Music of the Autonomous University of Hidalgo State. The characteristics of the design, implementation and the learning mode are also mentioned. The general structure of the project is briefly described, highlighting fundamental points of its structure such as the curriculum map, program duration and the learning management system employed. The first results are presented in the final section, which includes the description of the profiles of the students involved in the first two generations, as well as their places of origin. Finally, the conclusions point to the reflection of the importance of these projects in the artistic areas and other disciplines.


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How to Cite
Cortés Cervantes, R., Trejo Le´ónR., & Hernández Monterrubio, M. (2022). Design and implementation of the leveling programme to obtain a degree in music at the UAEH. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 10(19), 44-47.

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