Nopal potential for its foray into the confectionery industry

Keywords: Nopal, techno-functional properties, food industry, confectionery industry, sugar-panned confections


Nopal is a source of various bioactive and techno-functional components that can be used to develop new products with potential health benefits. Among these compounds, the high content of polyphenols and polysaccharides related to antioxidant, antidiabetic, and anticancer activities stands out. In addition, nopal has useful structural polysaccharides for technological purposes, such as the mucilage used in the preparation of jams or as a replacement for gelling agents in formulations of marshmallows or cocoa sweets. In this sense, the confectionery industry presents a great opportunity niche to generate nopal-based products since there are few advances in using this botanical species in this industry. An interesting proposal is to obtain soft or hard sugar-panned confections by using edible parts of the cactus, whose process does not require the application of high temperatures, allowing to maintain higher content of biologically active components.


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How to Cite
Ponce-Luna, A., Pérez-Flores, J. G., Pérez-Escalante, E., Portillo-Torres, L. A., García-Curiel, L., & Contreras-López, E. (2024). Nopal potential for its foray into the confectionery industry. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(22), 28-33.

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