Natural capital and production in the mexican country

Keywords: Resources, production, distribution, development


There is a problem that runs through many countries today and is expected to worsen in the coming years. And it is that of food. In some countries the situation is already serious and puts their sovereignty and independence at risk due to their vulnerability. Action must be taken on all fronts to eradicate hunger. Mexico has a large territorial extension with arable land, rivers, lagoons and seas. There are natural elements for food production. It has a large communication infrastructure, fuel, electricity, health, financial and educational institutions for the training and updating of human capital. However, the field has been forgotten. With the revolutionary movement, large tracts were pulverized into small plots and with this production. It was necessary to put an end to the latifundistas, not to the latifundia. Without water, credit and technical assistance, production is at an artisanal level. It is necessary and urgent to change the production system. Industrial engineering applied in the production of the field, as a production system. From the study of the consumer market, national and international, location and extension of land, methods and processes, supplies, machinery and equipment, labor and all the organizational and operational aspect.


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How to Cite
Cadena-Uribe, R., Garnica-González, J., Arroyo-Barranco, C. A., & Ramírez-Reyna, S. B. (2024). Natural capital and production in the mexican country. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(23), 86-91.

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