Gray water treatment for popular social interest housing

Keywords: gray water treatment, filtration, social interest housing


Water stress continues to increase around the world, as the volume of quality water for human consumption reduces. In central Mexico, where the State of Hidalgo is located, the availability of water per capita is less than 2000 m3/inhabitant/year. In this exploratory study, a grey waters filtration system is proposed for its reuse in domestic activities with the purpose of mitigating the water shortage in the municipality of Mineral de la Reforma, Hidalgo. The system is intended for a one-level social housing, with a maximum capacity of 4 people. The system was integrated with filters in series, obtained from natural sources and ornamental plants. The affluent and effluent were analyzed obtaining favorable results, reducing chemical oxygen demand in 77.6%, enabling the treated water for watering and cleaning, becoming a continuous way of saving drinking water.


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How to Cite
Bautista-Gómez, M. I., Rodríguez-Reyes, D. A., Castañeda-Robles, I. E., González-Sandoval, M. del R., & Escalante-Lozano, J. E. (2023). Gray water treatment for popular social interest housing. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial3), 151-156.

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