Leader-follower scheme for position control of 3GDL manipulator robots

Keywords: Anthropomorphic robot, Leader-follower scheme, kinematics, trajectory tracking, position control


This paper presents the design of a position control strategy for a pair of manipulator robots with 3 degrees of freedom (3GDL). A leader-follower scheme is used for the design of the strategy, where the leader robot is in charge of following a trajectory, while the follower robot must position itself at a certain distance with respect to the leader, i.e., it converges to a desired formation. The theoretical results obtained are validated numerically.


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Author Biographies

Brenda Mayora-Reyes, Universidad del Papalopan
Mechatronics engineering student      
Diego González-Torres, Universidad del Papaloapan

Mechatronics engineering student

Jesús Santiaguillo-Salinas, Universidad del Papaloapan

Professor-Researcher of the Department of Mechatronics Engineering


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How to Cite
Mayora-Reyes, B., González-Torres, D., & Santiaguillo-Salinas, J. (2024). Leader-follower scheme for position control of 3GDL manipulator robots. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(Especial2), 129-134. https://doi.org/10.29057/icbi.v12iEspecial2.12357

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