Soft robotics: design and construction

  • Jorge Wah-Hing Gudiño Márquez Universidad de Colima
  • Jorge Gudiño Lau Universidad de Colima
  • Fidel Chávez Montejano Universidad de Colima
  • Saida Charre Ibarra Universidad de Colima
  • Janeth Alcalá Rodríguez Universidad de Colima
  • Norbeto López Luiz Universidad de Colima
Keywords: Softrobots, pneunet, air pump, electropneumatic valves, biological systema and control


In the last years, the researches in the area of ​​mechatronics is leaded at the development of robots that help human beings in their daily activities. Currently the works and research are oriented to soft robots, because they allow easily interact and adapt to any surface. The soft robots have a soft structure, deformable, flexible, they are also safe compared to rigid robots, however, they are more difficult to analyze the kinematic and dynamic. This article describes the state of the art, classification and applications of the soft robot, in addition it shows in detail the design and manufacture of a soft robot prototype called pneunet, the design of these is made with the SolidWorks software package and the mold is created in a 3D printer. The soft robot is designed of soft and deformable material, so that it can hold and move freely throughout its work space without harming the user. The pneunet is built to know the operation and morphological characteristics of soft robots.


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How to Cite
Gudiño Márquez, J. W.-H., Gudiño Lau, J., Chávez Montejano, F., Charre Ibarra, S., Alcalá Rodríguez, J., & López Luiz, N. (2019). Soft robotics: design and construction. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 7(Especial), 42-49.

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