Need for a frame of reference to characterize physical thinking: some reflections

Keywords: Physics thinking, scientific thinking, Physics education


A series of reflections are presented with the intention of contributing to consolidate a frame of reference that could allow characterizing some aspects of physical thinking. Literature in Spanish and even in English is scarce about it, although there is talk of a scientific thought, a critical thought and even a mathematical thought, it is difficult to find references regarding What should we understand by physical thought? What does it mean to think in terms of physics? The authors consider it pertinent to include topics such as this in the research in physics teaching, since the characterization of physical thinking - if possible - could contribute elements that allow us to understand why it is so complicated for some people to understand physics? The present work, which has mainly informative purposes, is a review of the literature on the subject, and as suggested in the title, it seeks to encourage reflection on the subject.


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How to Cite
Campos Nava, M., & Torres-Rodríguez, A. A. (2020). Need for a frame of reference to characterize physical thinking: some reflections. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 8(15), 31-37.