Porous ceramic material obtained from organic kitchen waste, for Lead and Selenium adsorption in contaminated effluents

Keywords: Porous ceramic, Adsorption, heavy metals, Pb, Se


A porous ceramic material is obtained for the adsorption of metal ions in aqueous solutions, this material is made with the waste of a domestic kitchen, taking them to a controlled carbonization at 600 ° C, this process is characterized by leaving the presence of carbon bonds free that allow the adsorption of metal ions in the material. The porous ceramic material produced can be used for the adsorption of some heavy metals in aqueous solutions contaminated mainly Pb and Se.


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How to Cite
Trujillo-Estrada, A., Reyes-Cruz, V. E., Reyes-Morales, Q. L., Cobos-Murcia, J. Ángel, Juárez-Tapia, J. C., & Legorreta-García, F. (2021). Porous ceramic material obtained from organic kitchen waste, for Lead and Selenium adsorption in contaminated effluents. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 9(17), 129-131. https://doi.org/10.29057/icbi.v9i17.7147

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