Educational mechatronics: support for teaching-learning of basic education in Hidalgo

Keywords: Educational mechatronics, basic secondary education, Teaching-learning process, Educational technology and innovation


At present, Mexico finds itself in the middle of a great advancement in science, technology, and innovation via the development of projects which fulfil current needs and are supported by the educational sector. The state of Hidalgo is no exception and as a result, educators and students alike from the Universidad Tecnológica de Tulancingo have joined the effort with a goal of encouraging interest by basic education students in the areas of science, technology, and innovation and by strengthening the teaching and learning processes at the basic education level. In this article, we will present the methodology of implementation as well as development methods for prototypes and didactic materials with a new focus based on educational mechatronics designed for a basic education level at each institution. Finally, we will outline the most significant qualitative results since the 2016 launch of this approach in diverse scenarios, an analysis which will permit us to determine the pedagogical and technological feasibility of such an approach on a statewide scale.


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How to Cite
González-Islas, J. C., Godínez-Garrido, G., González-Rosas, A., & Ortega-Marín, B.-A. (2021). Educational mechatronics: support for teaching-learning of basic education in Hidalgo. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 9(Especial), 110-117.