Geology of dikes emplaced in terphra, SE Sierra de Pachuca

Keywords: Cartography, Dikes, Sierra de Pachuca, Tephra, Paleo stress, Recent Volcanism


The present work is part of a cartographic project conducted in the southeast portion of the Sierra de Pachuca, in which the occurrence of andesitic dikes, preferentially oriented 245/31 and emplaced in tephra deposits, is reported. In addition, based on secondary structures associated with fault planes, the paleo stress regime was reconstructed, resulting in a normal fault regime with the main axis oriented: s1=336/74, s2=121/13 y s3=213/09. Where s2 y s3, are the medium extension and maximum compression, respectively. Considering that the emplacement of dikes parallels the maximum compression, two distinct stress regimes have been interpreted, with a difference of 112° measured along a plane oriented 202/39. Finally, tephra deposits are recognized as the youngest lithological unit and, consequently, postdated by the emplacement of dikes, constituting part of the most recent stage of volcanism in the study area.


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How to Cite
Escamilla-Casas, J. C., Meneses-Meneses, E., Ortiz-Hernández, L. E., & Uribe-Alcántara, E. M. (2022). Geology of dikes emplaced in terphra, SE Sierra de Pachuca. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 9(18), 122-127.

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