FPGA emulation of a RF system transceiver based on software define radio

Keywords: FPGA, RF, SDR, Transmission-reception, VHDL


SDR Software Defined Radio uses digital techniques to replace traditional radio hardware such as mixers, modulators, demodulators, and related analog circuits, the result is a flexible radio that can be quickly reconfigured. In this article, a complete radio communication system, that is, the transmitter-receiver is developed and emulated using SDR. To achieve the above, the DSSS technique and the System Generator for DSP in Matlab-Simulink are used. The model is compiled and the VHDL code is obtained to emulate it on a Xilinx Artix-7 AC701 FPGA card. Finally, the encryption and decryption of digital data is performed using LFSR and BPSK. In addition, the comparison between the results obtained is made, between a DSSS transceiver using a standard LFSR against another DSSS using an extended LFSR. Finally, the design of a graphical interface in Matlab is presented, capable of modifying the parameters of the DSSS transceiver model to adapt it to different transmission frequencies.


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How to Cite
Aviña-Zuñiga, M. S., Estudillo-Valdez, M. A., Vazquez-Alcaraz, G. E., Calvillo-Téllez, A., & Nuñez-Perez, J. C. (2022). FPGA emulation of a RF system transceiver based on software define radio. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 10(Especial4), 181-189. https://doi.org/10.29057/icbi.v10iEspecial4.9141