We are all in the same boat. Book review: Pandemic! Covid-19 shakes the world by Slavoj Žižek

Keywords: COVID-19, Global crisis, Comunism


Pandemic! Covid-19 shakes the world, is the first part of two works that the philosopher Slavoj Žižek dedicates to the pandemic crisis that paralyzed the world in 2020. During the world quarantine, Žižek reviews and persuades the reader about the role of the state and the role that, as a community, we must assume to ensure our survival. Throughout the work, the author reviews the political, economic, social effects, etc. with provocative allegories, moments of unabashed sincerity and shared fears. Žižek challenges the reader towards a new form of communism, in which it is understood that we are all in the same boat and that we must avoid descending into global barbarism.


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Foucault, Michel (2003). Vigilar y castigar: el nacimiento de las prisiones. España: Siglo XXI.

BBC News Mundo (2020) “Coronavirus: la evacuación del crucero Diamond Princess, el ‘peligroso’ lugar con más casos de la infección fuera de China”. BBC News Mundo [En línea]. Disponible en: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-internacional-51518722 [14 de marzo 2023].

Ruben, Östlund (2022). Triangle of Sadness [Película]. ZDF productions.

Zizek, Slavoj (2020). ¡Pandemia! El COVID-19 sacude al mundo. (Polity, Ed.) Centro de Estudios de Orientación Psicoanalítica.

How to Cite
Guerrero Zaragoza, R. P. (2023). We are all in the same boat. Book review: Pandemic! Covid-19 shakes the world by Slavoj Žižek. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 12(23), 62-67. https://doi.org/10.29057/icshu.v12i23.11247