Transhumanism and education: reflections on biotechnological intervention in educational practice

Keywords: Humanism, Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Education, Pedagogical practice


Firstly, an approach to posthumanism and transhumanism is presented, considering the human as a reference element of the (post-after) human, outlining a conception of the key to humanism and enlightenment. Secondly, transhumanism is addressed by outlining its modes of execution (chemical, genetic, biology-machine integration), the underlying positions (scientific and cultural), and the criticisms that are raised (politics, philosophy, and practice). Finally, a reflection on biotechnological understandings of transhumanism in education is developed, taking educational practice as the object of analysis.


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Author Biography

Juan Fernando Garzón Tejeda, Pontifical Bolivarian University | School of Education and Pedagogy | Doctorate in Education | Medellín-Antioquia | Colombia

Postgraduate student at the Pontifical Bolivarian University


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How to Cite
Garzón Tejeda, J. F. (2024). Transhumanism and education: reflections on biotechnological intervention in educational practice . Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 12(24), 57-66.