Climate change and pollution from drainage in indigenous territories: the case of Yahualica, Hidalgo

  • Reynaldo Amador Pérez Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo | Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities | Academic Area of Social Work | Pachuca-Hidalgo | MexicoAutonomous University of the State of Hidalgo/ Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities/ Academic Area of ​​Social Work/ Pachuca-Hidalgo/ Mexico
  • Jorge Dolores Bautista Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo/ Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities/ Academic Area of ​​Social Work/ Pachuca-Hidalgo/ Mexico
Keywords: climate risk, water and sanitation, mitigation, indigenous agriculture


In this work, two issues related to the environment are addressed: climate change and inadequate sanitation of wastewater. Both problems are analyzed in rural and indigenous contexts of the Hidalgo Huasteca, where socioeconomic and cultural effects have a particular impact since they are communities in conditions of marginalization. Even though these issues are part of national and international agendas from which policies have emerged to address them, we find that in these contexts, the implementation of actions is minimal and exclusive. The empirical information presented here has been collected from the perception and experience of the inhabitants of the municipality of Yahualica, Hidalgo, with whom Participatory Action Research was carried out through interviews, a participatory workshop, and a field tour. Therefore, not only are the issues addressed from the critical point of view of the academy, but a concrete reality presented by the subjects is also evident. As a result, a first diagnosis was obtained about the problems the inhabitants have observed over the last three decades and the concerns and limitations to address and mitigate the effects of climate change and water pollution in their region. All this leads us to consider the need for coordinated work between the population, government, academic, and civil bodies to propose efficient strategies and actions in the face of these socio-environmental conditions.


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Author Biographies

Reynaldo Amador Pérez, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo | Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities | Academic Area of Social Work | Pachuca-Hidalgo | MexicoAutonomous University of the State of Hidalgo/ Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities/ Academic Area of ​​Social Work/ Pachuca-Hidalgo/ Mexico

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo

Jorge Dolores Bautista, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo/ Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities/ Academic Area of ​​Social Work/ Pachuca-Hidalgo/ Mexico

He holds a PhD in Social Sciences from El Colegio de San Luis, a Master's Degree in Human Geography from El Colegio de Michoacán and a Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. National Researcher Level I of Conahcyt. He currently works at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo as a Full-Time Professor of the Academic Area of Social Work and member of the Academic Body of Studies in Social Work, Research Line Social Development and Quality of Life. She is a member of the Basic Academic Core of the Master's Degree in Local Government and Management, and a member of the Complementary Academic Core of the Postgraduate Degree in Social Sciences. Her research focuses on the analysis of the impact of modernization and globalization schemes on indigenous territories. In this context, her research areas are developed in the fields of the impact of climate change, human right to water and sanitation, medical inequality and participatory action research. Responsible for the research Prodep (concluded) "Participatory preservation of the biocultural heritage of the indigenous territories of the Huasteca of Hidalgo: towards a strategy of intercultural public policies for adaptation to climate change". She is currently coordinating the research "Socio-environmental problems and needs caused by the introduction of water and sanitation systems in indigenous territories of Hidalgo"


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How to Cite
Amador Pérez, R., & Dolores Bautista, J. (2024). Climate change and pollution from drainage in indigenous territories: the case of Yahualica, Hidalgo. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 12(24), 44-56.