Basic level educational platforms used in homeschooling in Mexico

Keywords: Homeschooling, educational platforms, sociocultural context


One of the factors that has promoted distance education since the middle of the last century is precisely technological advances. That is why systematization, accreditation, didactic supports, curriculums, discussion forums, blogs, etc., will make the home education a growing phenomenon at international and national level, pushing families to reconsider the proposals of compulsory classroom attendance according to Exeni (2013).

A qualitative study is proposed to identify children educated at home in Mexico through Educational Platforms; In addition to the pedagogical implications and form of certification by which children educated under this modality obtain official recognition of basic level academic performance.

Therefore, this partial research also deals with the aforementioned educational processes, aspects about the socialization of children in virtual environments, theoretical aspects that are little studied in Mexico and that places this research as a topic of educational innovation that allows analyse this model of distance education in children who study Basic Education.


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Author Biographies

Liliana Ramírez-Vera, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

Professor at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo in the area of Administrative Economic Sciences and Upper Middle Level. She is a Master of Science in Education, her research focuses on the use of educational platforms at the basic level in the model of Homeschooling in Mexico, with a focus on the analysis of parental perspectives using the New Theory of Learning by Dr. Cesar Coll.

M. Guadalupe Veytia, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

PhD in Educational Management. Master in Education. Specialist in Virtual Learning Environments. Bachelor of Education. Full-time Research Professor at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. Its Line of Knowledge Generation and Application is Information and Communication Technologies in Education and training processes.

Rebecca English, Queensland University of Technology

Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Griffith. Research Professor at the Queensland University of Technology at the Faculty of Education. Teacher of secondary education in public and private sector. Her research and main publications focus on the analysis of parental decisions to opt for homeschooling and unschooling of her children. It approaches theories of Bordieu, Bernstein, Appadurai and Hall, to be able to take the discourse of their analyzes to a theoretical level regarding the philosophy of parental attachment.


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How to Cite
Ramírez-Vera, L., Veytia, M. G., & English, R. (2020). Basic level educational platforms used in homeschooling in Mexico . Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 8(16), 65-70.