Tourism and Communality: Local Development Paradigm in the El Geiser Spa in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico.

Keywords: Tourism, Communality, Social Economy, Geyser, Local Development


The present investigation has the objective of analyzing and describing the strategies incorporated by the inhabitants of the Uxdejhe community in the Municipality of Tecozautla in the State of Hidalgo in Mexico, to implement a process of community work based on a solidarity, equitable and self-management organization. , starting from the dynamics of tourism as an alternative for local development, oriented to the use of natural heritage as a resource for common use, from the transformation of local actors to adapt from ejidatarios to service providers by constituting the Spa called El Geiser, as a sustainable tourism project, which is precisely fed by the thermal waters that emanate from a Geyser located in this ejido, which favors its positioning with visitors, based on the particularities and healing properties as a hydrothermal phenomenon with mineral components. The foregoing, approached from the theoretical perspectives of communality and the social economy, with which the principles of collective property, distribution of tasks and agreed responsibilities, relationships of trust and equality are enunciated and demonstrated, all of this, as significant pillars that regulate the processes and productive composition, aimed at achieving common welfare. The methodology used is qualitative, under an exploratory and descriptive approach based on a transversal design, considering the foundations of ethnography. It is concluded that tourism from a community and inclusive perspective consolidates local benefits by promoting family contribution and participation as multidisciplinary options to give continuity to indigenous identity and rural roots for collective development.


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Author Biographies

Alma Rafaela Bojórquez Vargas, Universidad Autónoma del San Luís Potosí
Academic Degree: Doctorate
ID: n70106 Institutional
Data: Academic Entity: Huasteca Zone Faculty of Professional
Studies Doctorate in Environmental Sciences Autonomous University of the State of Mexico
Master of Science in Natural Resources and Rural Development
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration
Universidad de Occidente Computer Technician Technical Institute of Northwest Computing
Ernesto Bolaños Rodríguez, Autonomous University of Hidalgo State
Dr. Ernesto Bolaños Rodríguez.
Full-time Research Professor attached to the Escuela Superior de Tizayuca
of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, Mexico.
It has the PRODED Desirable Profile (2019-2022).
Doctor in Technical Sciences (2002) from the Central University of Las Villas (UCLV),
Master in Corrosion and Protection of Metals (1997) from the University of Cienfuegos
and Chemical Engineer (1994) from UCLV, both universities of the Republic of Cuba .
He has 25 years of experience in teaching and research. In his academic career,
he has published 30 scientific articles in indexed journals, one book and
five book chapters, as well as has been granted an invention patent by the
Cuban Office of Industrial Property (OCPI).
Francisco Joaquín Villafaña Rivera, Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores del Oriente del Estado de México
ecnológico de Estudios Superiores del Oriente del Estado de México Gastronomy
DivisionDoctor in Systems EngineeringResearcher at the Tecnológico de Estudios
Superiores del Oriente del Estado de México


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How to Cite
Flores Amador, C., Bojórquez Vargas, A. R., Bolaños Rodríguez, E., & Villafaña Rivera, F. J. (2023). Tourism and Communality: Local Development Paradigm in the El Geiser Spa in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 9(Especial), 56-65.

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