Analysis of the Main Problems for Teaching of Classes in the Postgraduate Course from an Interdisciplinary Approach

  • Ernesto Bolaños Rodríguez Autonomous University of Hidalgo State
  • Evangelina Lezama León Autonomous University of Hidalgo State
  • Gaby Yolanda Vega Cano Autonomous University of Hidalgo State
Keywords: Interdisciplinary, postgraduate, systems, didactic and teaching-learning process., interdisciplinary, postgraduate, systems, dudactic and teaching-learning process


The paper analyzes the main difficulties that arise in the delivery of classes in the postgraduate course, particularly in specialties, masters and doctorates from an interdisciplinary perspective. The research is carried out using the systems approach applied to the teaching-learning process where the didactic categories are conceived: objectives, contents, methods and strategies, forms of organization, resources and evaluation, as well as their interrelation. The main conclusions show that if there is no domain of the disciplines that interact to address an object of study from different reference frames and a "favorable environment" the expected impact will not be achieved.



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How to Cite
Bolaños Rodríguez, E., Lezama León, E., & Vega Cano, G. Y. (2019). Analysis of the Main Problems for Teaching of Classes in the Postgraduate Course from an Interdisciplinary Approach. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 5(9), 38-44.

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