Virtual phonemes intervention / ʌ /, / æ / & / a:/ in English

Schlagworte: Phonetics, Phonology, Vowels, Virtual Training


This proposal will study the training effect of perception and production of English phonemes /ʌ/, /æ/ & /aː/. The aim will be to find out if a virtual training is effective in the participants’ auditory perception and verbal production when comparing their pre-test and post-test results. This research will be based on a quantitative approach, experimental design, correlational; its value is partially explanatory since it is investigated if two concepts or variables are interrelated, which certainly provides explanatory information. The population for this study will be students at the Bachelor level of the National Pedagogical University 042 Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche; Mexico. The instruments will be a pre and post-test of auditory perception and oral production. Similarly, a virtual training workshop with duration of twenty-four hours spread over three weeks will be carried out as a treatment to improve the learning of the vowel sounds proposed. The analysis technique will be the SPSS analysis software and PRAAT. The waited results will be if the students perceive and orally produce the sounds efficiently or if they continue with the transfer of their mother tongue pronunciation patterns.


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