A mobile learning prototype for an English subject

Schlagworte: Responsive learning, mobile learning, educational technology, teaching, language


Digital methodologies in distance education have been defined by innovating in the inclusion of pedagogical strategies through applications and tools that allow ubiquity and openness to learning, some of these methodologies are the responsive web design and mobile learning, both technologies complement each other pedagogically and are essential for virtual education. The use of these technologies provide several advantages in teaching, such as promoting collaborative learning, facilitating communication, enhancing the learning process, promoting autonomy, among others. To achieve the above, the design and implementation of mobile responsive learning will be implemented in an English subject taught in an undergraduate program at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. This implementation consisted of including mobile learning strategies and the theoretical foundation of the application of this educational technology was carried out through the responsive web design methodology that allows providing a positive adaptation in virtual learning environments. For the implementation, it was decided to use an authoring tool such as Gomo Learning that, through its free use, allows an accurate visual approach to responsive learning. Finally, due to the complexity of its adaptation to language teaching, accurate and detailed training in the use of these digital methodologies within teacher training must be strengthened to enhance mobile learning.



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