Students’ perceptions towards the use of TikTok as a tool for improving English pronunciation


Nowadays, TikTok is one of the most famous apps among youngsters since its users create different types of videos that attract students' attention. Hence, learners can use this app as a tool for learning English since there are many videos they can watch for learning and improving their pronunciation. For this reason, many researchers have conducted studies focused on knowing the students' opinions regarding the use of TikTok for academic purposes; unfortunately, there are no studies about the students’ perceptions towards the use of the app as a means to enhance students’ pronunciation. Therefore, this study aimed to understand A2 students' perceptions of using TikTok to improve English pronunciation. It was necessary to use interviews to gather the information for this study to analyze students’ opinions about using the app to enhance pronunciation. Moreover, this study is significant since it helps explain how students and teachers can take advantage of the app as an additional tool for learning English. 


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