Professional Teacher Identity: Methodological Alternatives for Qualitative Research


English as a Foreign Language (EFL) pre-service teacher’s identity is a process where language, as an object of study, is a tool in the mediation for scaffolding the identity of future teachers. Identity construction is not an isolated process. Instead, it is the result of a continuous and social process that embraces a variety of factors and the tension of diverse forces, struggles, and adjustments that the individual deals with. In the last two decades, an increasing number of qualitative studies focused on EFL teachers’ professional identity have appeared. To identify how professional identity is constructed, it must be understood as a product of discourse, practice, and relationships. Moreover, identity is developed through the stories (narratives) describing life encounters that have shaped who they are as teachers. Both discourse and narratives help teachers define and redefine themselves as professionals through the meaning they give to their lived experiences. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to address discourse and narratives as two research perspectives to investigate EFL pre-service teachers’ professional identity. First, the link between qualitative and identity studies is presented. Then, discourse analysis and narratives as methodological alternatives are introduced. Finally, implications and reflections for teacher education are discussed.


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Nallely Garza Rodríguez , Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Nallely Garza Rodríguez holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Linguistics in Didactics and a Master of Science in Education granted by the School of Philosophy and Arts at UANL. In 2020, she concluded her Doctorate in Bilingual Education at Texas A&M University-Kingsville. She is as a professor in the Major of Applied Linguistics in Teaching and Translation at UANL. Her research interests, presentations, and publications are related to teacher education, teachers’ identity, and evaluation

Luisa M. Muñoz-Cantúd, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo león

Luisa M. Muñoz Cantú holds a Ed. D. in Bilingual Education and a M. Ed. In Teaching English as a Second Language from Texas A&M University-Kingsville plus a B.A. in Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching from Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. She is a full-time professor at Fac. De Filosofía y Letras, UANL. She has been a speaker on topics such as teacher training, educational research and evaluation and her research interests are professional identity, discourse analysis and communities of pr

Ma. Guadalupe Rodríguez-Bulnes, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo león

Ma. Guadalupe Rodríguez Bulnes holds a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, a M.A. in Higher Education Teaching and a B.A in English Translation from Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL). She is a full-time professor and coordinator of the certification department and researcher in the Applied Linguistics to Teaching and Translation Program at UANL. Her teaching, research, and publications focus on FL teachers’ education and professional development, intercultural competence and the internationalization of higher education.

Irma Esparza-Moreno, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo león

Irma Esparza Moreno holds a bachelor’s degree in Applied Linguistics in Didactics, bachelor’s degree in Applied Linguistics in Translation, a Master of Science in Education granted by UANL, and a Master in Education granted by TEC de Monterrey.  She is a full-time professor in the Language Sciences Department at UANL. Her expertise, research and publications are focused on foreign language teachers’ education and professional development, practice teaching and teacher identity. She is currently a doctoral student at Texas A & M University of Kingsville, USA.


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