Psychopedagogical factors that impact the teaching-learning of the English language in teachers and secondary school students during the pandemic

Schlagworte: Teaching, English language, methodology, digital resources


The current reasearch was started before the panemic. Its objective was to address the dimensions that have been considered in order to identify the factors that are preventing secondary school students from having real learning in English. Also, the purpose is to know the psychopedagogical factors that impact the teaching-learning of the English language in teachers and secondary education students during the pandemic during these moments in which we are in confinement. Lack of socialization, connectivity, use of resources, and digital platforms did little to help students learn English.

The research was quantitative, the sample size was non-probabilistic. It was applied in basic education at the secondary level in two school zones of the South Region of Saltillo, Coahuila. In the results it was found that 35% of teachers need to acquire other equipment. 96% feel little motivated to recognize that the lack of social interaction has affected the teaching-learning process of the English language.

The proposal to use digital tools in the teaching of a second language is now essential, despite the modifications that are required to continue with the research, it is mandatory to generate a change in the educational system in order to provide the students with the necessary tools to achieve the objectives to acquire more meaningful knowledge.


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Pérez Hernández, M. de J., & Zamora Moreno, R. de la P. (2021). Psychopedagogical factors that impact the teaching-learning of the English language in teachers and secondary school students during the pandemic. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 3(5), 100-107.