Digital skills of language teachers in face-to-face modality, after COVID-19

Schlagworte: teaching language, post-pandemic COVID-19, digital competence


The objective of this qualitative research, case study, is to describe the impact of the pandemic on the teaching processes of language teachers with face-to-face classes and the need they have for training and curriculum development in digital literacy. The analysis process was carried out through the application of a semi-structured survey to a purposeful sample of participants who prefer the face-to-face modality and were forced to teach in virtual learning environments and with remote assistance for the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Common European Framework digital competency dimensions were used to measure levels of digital competency proficiency. The thematic analysis was used.  Themes were categorized and, in some cases, some instances were grouped into subcategories. The results and findings were taken up in combination with the presentation of descriptive graphs, tables, and mentions by the participants. It is emphasized that this research focuses on recovering the perceptions of a specific moment, group, and situation. Participants reported overcoming the digital competence challenges that were needed during the social distance period to attend the groups in remote assistance and virtually. The digital competency domains of the participants are acceptable, but there are still dimensions of digital competencies to be developed. There is a need for training of the participants in the five dimensions, which, according to the data results, should be included in the training of future language teachers.


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Elizabeth Salazar Ayala, Universidad Veracruzana



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