The redesign of the English language subjects in the online degree programs at the Autonomous University of Hidalgo State

Keywords: Communication, instructional design, online, materials, activities, interaction


A foreign language learner´s major goal is to be able to efficiently communicate in different situations. In traditional face-to-face classrooms, language lessons are planned to allow students with opportunities to practice and develop their communication skills through interaction with the materials and among peers. One of the main challenges of English language teaching is to permit the same opportunities for practice when a language course is delivered online, for that reason, the instructional design plays an essential role to allow effective communicative practice. The present article explains the limitations faced in the English language subjects in terms of the learning activities, materials, interaction, and evaluation in the Bachelor's Degree program in Marketing and the Bachelor's degree in Educational Technology, online programs offered at the Autonomous University of Hidalgo State. This work also describes the actions that were taken to redesign these online courses so they could meet the English language communication needs of the students.



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How to Cite
Godínez Meneses, A. I. (2023). The redesign of the English language subjects in the online degree programs at the Autonomous University of Hidalgo State . Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 4(8), 1-8.