Procrastination, a limitation for language learning

Keywords: Procrastination, cognition, attitudes, language learning


Language learning is an opportunity to access better professional and professional working conditions. In the case of the English language, it helps to access updated information, be able to communicate with people from other cultures, and develop linguistics skills that will allow students to be more competitive. However, for some it represents a unique situation by leaving aside the acquisition of language knowledge either due to particular situations or situations unrelated to them that do not favor the student to fully access the language, affecting their academic progress. Sosa, Gutiérrez y Velázquez (2018), argue that the use of a foreign language allows an individual to have a greater confidence to achieve better working conditions through which they can develop their linguistic skill and abilities. When a student postpones academic activities language learning cannot ne carried out. In this sense, procrastination is presented as a limitation for university students from a semi-rural context to be able to access knowledge of the English language, and, therefore, affecting the cognitive abilities where the application of the structures that govern the language such as vocabulary, verb tenses, are applied.

The purpose of the qualitative study phenomenon with an interpretative hermeneutic analysis aims to understand the effect of procrastination of the linguistic cognitive ability in university students from a semi-rural community, where data collection is carried out through interviews with university students. The results show that the students in condition of presenting situations of stress, anxiety and a certain adrenaline due to postponing the activities they must deliver, face academic and social signalling towards this group of students in particular, resulting in negative attitudes towards learning the English language.

From the above, it is observed the importance of knowing why students carry out certain actions that lead to the phenomenon of procrastination in learning the English language, which can be active or passive or sporadic or chronic Clariana (2019) y Ayala (2005). This work can contribute to the field of study as there is not enough research on semi-rural contexts in learning English, which opens possibilities for future research.



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How to Cite
Romero-Zárate, M., Cinto-Morales, J., & Xique-Suárez, M. A. (2024). Procrastination, a limitation for language learning. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 5(10), 78-85.