Connecting learning from Telegram and through ChatGPT

Keywords: m-learning environment, ubiquitous learning, experiential learning, formal learning, informal learning, social networks


Social networks, as we know them today, have come to stay and have become a new phenomenon that crosses the barriers of space and time, allowing the user to be the protagonist of the network, the new content and information manager. Learning has become a social fact based on the interactions of its participants, in a process that transforms experience into knowledge because, now, the learner builds on the network. We have gone from being consumers of information to prosumers of that information, we have assimilated technology and applied it to different learning environments. This proposal of ubiquitous learning, for the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language, with students of level A1.1, which part of a research project ID-UDIMA-2021-06, is based on experiential learning and is resolved in a social environment to connect formal and informal learning making use of artificial intelligence, since this proposes tools and resources that well used they can be an opportunity for learners. The objectives, therefore, want to address the educational possibilities of learning environments, in the foreign language classroom, and analyze the ChatGPT tool, from its functionality for learning in a social network. Finally, the results obtained through student satisfaction and participation will be evaluated. From Telegram and through ChatGPT we will review all this and see how the virtual student builds on the network.


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How to Cite
Centellas-Rodrigo, A. (2024). Connecting learning from Telegram and through ChatGPT. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 5(10), 19-26.