Evolution of the vision in the design and development of web applications in educational projects based on TIC of the ENALLT

Keywords: Language learning, visual communication, e-learning and b-learning, graphic interface, Educational development methodology, information and communication technologies


At the National School of Languages, Linguistics and Translation of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the Coordination of Distance Education (CED) develops and promotes educational innovations in blended and e-learning modalities, taking advantage of the benefits of digital technologies to offer quality and relevant educational programs that respond to the necessities and priorities of the different language departments. The CED is formed by multi-disciplinary team integrated for different areas: planning, pedagogy, graphic design and programming engineering, all of them interconnected by a development process that apply in an effective way the technology in learning of languages considering interactions between contents, pedagogics knowledge and technology. Under this scheme, the aim is to ensure that blended and e-learning projects reach the objectives for which they were designed.

The purpose of this paper is to share the experiences and the results this Coordination has acquired from two different standpoints: the web design perspective and the technological point of view. It emphasizes the need of a creative process in order to program the apps that are required in the language learning online courses.


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How to Cite
Cruz Techica , S., Maldonado Figueroa, E., Ortiz Berrocal, A., & Rodríguez Allende, A. (2019). Evolution of the vision in the design and development of web applications in educational projects based on TIC of the ENALLT. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 1(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.29057/lc.v1i1.5181