Teaching and learning languages in a real context

Keywords: Language learning, symbolic dimension, cultural dimension, economy of knowledge, decoding teaching, social networks


This research paper about education technologies has been carried out in two private universities in Puebla, Mexico. A group of 11 students of foreign languages where French was part of their professional training, and another group of 7 students whose learning main principle was their motivation, were the object of this research.

The methodology used to compare both groups of students was Blumer’s symbolic interactionism theory to compare the symbolic practices of social networks. Highlighting the meaning of a symbol above the principle of interactionism, as decoding the meanings has allowed them to understand the dimensions and the richness of language.

In addition, the principles of symbolism and emergence exchanging the sense according to the sociocultural perspective encourage to be critical toward the content of the media and learn from it.

The obtained results show the importance of developing symbolic activities in a first stage and then include different images or posters to enhance their skills to observe and analyze information.

According to Hide (2000), there are three categories on the WEB 3.0: changes of time and space, the change of communication and the role of the media.

In conclusion, “attention” will have a very important place as well as the efficiency of foreign language teaching. The real time to explain a grammatical and lexical structure in class is about 15 minutes. For that reason, cognitive neurosciences allow to understand the potential of human attention.


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How to Cite
Ángel Romero, J. V. (2019). Teaching and learning languages in a real context. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 1(1), 16-20. https://doi.org/10.29057/lc.v1i1.5196