Cognitive learning strategies used by children taking a beginner Italian course

Keywords: Learning strategy, cognitive strategy, repetition, elaboration, organization


This article presents the partial results of a research study focused on the analysis and reflection of the cognitive strategies of repetition, elaboration and organization used by children aged 8 to 11 while they are studying Italian at a beginning level.

The study consisted of five sessions of an Italian course where didactic units were carefully designed with different learning activities with the purpose of yielding useful information for the selection, observation and analysis of the strategies employed in kids learning this foreign language.

The results of this research are expected to have an important impact in the field of language teaching to children; so that once the teachers consider the type of cognitive effort that learners these ages make, they can design more meaningful language courses and activities for them.


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How to Cite
Fuerte León, C., Rico Cruz, M. D. L., & Pluvinet, D. (2019). Cognitive learning strategies used by children taking a beginner Italian course. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 1(1), 33-40.