The current role of the teacher that faces the massive use of the ICT

Keywords: Technology, information, communication, ITC’s


This article depicts the current situation of the teacher in the light of the massive use of ICT. The article also emphasizes the advantages that are there for teachers who implement ICT in their day to day job responsibilities but it also mentions the problems that emerge due to the use and abuse of all the gadgets that are available nowadays.  In this regard, it is necessary to point out the role of those teachers who lack of technological training and who are expected to enhance teaching innovation, to be up to date and to include ICT in the classroom and in the curriculum educational system.


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How to Cite
Cansigno Gutierrez, Y. (2020). The current role of the teacher that faces the massive use of the ICT. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 1(2), 53-57.