Multimodal English Courses and their Instructional Design

Keywords: Multimodal, Instructional Design, EMINUS, Learning Environments


The Multimodal Courses of the Universidad Veracruzana come out of the need to support the technical careers students who had problems attending classes and who did not have economical resources to buy a textbook or any material needed in their classes. These courses were thought of as an English Language Teaching Innovative Methodology, combining different learning environmnents: the virtual one, using the Universidad Veracruzana platform called EMINUS, autonomous learning, at the self-access centers, and the classroom one. This work implied that the teachers in charge of the creation of these courses changed their role into the “instructional designers” because they had to elaborate the courses from a different methodology, their content description, the administration and evaluation. This paper describes in detail the instructional model that was followed to create these courses and what this implied. Finally, we will present the impact and the statistics of the 6 campuses of the Universidad Veracruzana where they are taught and where they are heading for.


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How to Cite
Huerta Gutiérrez, G., & Govela De la Fuente , M. G. N. (2020). Multimodal English Courses and their Instructional Design. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 1(2), 64-71.