Innovate teaching ways + Involve students = Provoke meaningful learning

Keywords: Apps, creativity, ICT, innovating, meaningful


Nowadays, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a didactic resource and a communication channel where language teachers can extract a groundbreaking utility, as it allows both the teacher and the student to come up with their creativity during the teaching-learning process. On the other hand, more practical and more suitable didactic materials that result in a more personalized teaching practice, that allows to provide feedback on the progress of each student, emerge to reach more students in less time, and also to introduce a variety of motivational learning elements.

In addition, another interesting element about technology is its feasibility to be used in the classroom, as it offers students the possibility to extend their learning opportunities beyond the classroom in a way in which it suits their personal space, thanks to the large amount and universal access to learning resources that are available through internet sites  which are also useful and free.

Throughout the innovation process of our class environment, we found several apps that can be used to promote a positive impact on students and the results were not just meaningful but also fascinating.


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How to Cite
Morales Flores, A. Y., & Pérez Ramírez , L. E. (2020). Innovate teaching ways + Involve students = Provoke meaningful learning. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 1(2), 46-52.