Teaching indigenous languages using ICT in Latin America

Keywords: Indigenous languages, ICT, Latin America, educational policies, indigenous worldview


More than 500 indigenous groups are currently distributed in Latin America, they speak more than 400 different languages. In recent years, there have been several educational policies that have been implemented in most of the region in order to preserve, among other aspects, the indigenous languages and, consequently, the cultural heritage that identifies each particular ethnic group. Most of  the specific policies that were previously mentioned are focused on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as didactic means for teaching these specific languages in basic education in Latin American countries. This report describes the findings of a previous exploratory research that had as a purpose knowing the problems the teaching of indigenous languages using ICT in Latin America faces today. The information gathered from an online questionnaire aimed at teachers who teach indigenous languages in Latin America is reviewed and analyzed. Some recent educational proposals available on the Web are also described. Among the findings are the need of Internet access and the lack of digital skills of teachers and students. There is also evidence of the increase in multimedia applications for teaching indigenous languages which describe not only the languages per se but also the cultural aspects that characterize them. Due to this, it can be assumed a need for a reform of the instructional design including a view that favors the appropriation of knowledge and the worldview of the indigenous groups; that is to say, teaching indigenous languages beyond the literal translation of their contents and expressions.


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How to Cite
Ríos Colmenárez, M. J. (2020). Teaching indigenous languages using ICT in Latin America. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 1(2), 20-27. https://doi.org/10.29057/lc.v1i2.5447