Bringing FLE learners closer to the cultural aspects of the Francophone world through Google Classroom.

Keywords: Culture, FLE, online platform, ICT, Culture, FLE, online platform, ICT


The objective of this article is to present a proposal to resort to Google Classroom platform as a complement to the "Actu culture" section of the Saison 1 textbook (Didier editorial, 2014). This proposal seeks to sensitize the learners to the cultural issues addressed in the textbook taught in the French courses of the Language Teaching Center of the University of Quintana Roo.

Through ICT it is intended to create a bridge for learners to discover different cultural aspects of French-speaking countries, with a view to arouse interest in the cultural diversity of the French language. At the same time, it seeks to provide the FLE teacher with additional material that allows him to address the cultural issues proposed in Saison 1 with digital tools.

The choice of audiovisual materials and websites focused on the cultural topics indicated in each unit, just as the order of appearance in the textbook with the intention of respecting the course program and avoiding contents' omission of a nature cultural in support of linguistic content due to the lack of time in the language class.

The use of the online platform offers a space for discovering the Francophone world based on activities that might foster, in flexibly and dynamic ways, the understanding of other cultural realities, making use of the wealth of information on the web and strengthening digital skills of teachers and learners.


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How to Cite
Ortiz Martínez, A. (2020). Bringing FLE learners closer to the cultural aspects of the Francophone world through Google Classroom. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 2(3), 8-12.