Storytelling, a strategy for a meaningful learning through technological communication.

Keywords: empathy, meaningful, learning, sharing, storytelling, teaching-learning processes, technology


Due to the quick progress of technology and the globalization process, nowadays, there are new possibilities of communication through cyberspace and, consequently, foreign language learning has become increasingly important. Nevertheless, it is necessary to come up with innovative strategies for the teaching and learning processes. This includes the new technologies to enable the design of alternative projects, which focus on meaningful and long lasting learning. This paper proposes Storytelling as a ludic way of agglutinating previous and new knowledge, making use of different IT tools such as Flipgrid and Powtoon. Storytelling encourages the identification and retention of concepts and stimulates students so that they share ideas and develop their critical thinking. This work highlights the importance of empathy and human relationships and proposes a new way to collaborate with technology, without replacing human intellect and subjectivity by the former ones, in order to achieve a rewarding experience of meaningful learning.




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How to Cite
Gil de la Piedra, C. (2020). Storytelling, a strategy for a meaningful learning through technological communication. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 2(3), 13-21.