Digital competence of University Students in English Language Learning during COVID-19 times.

Keywords: Digital Competence, English Language Learning, COVID-19, University Students


Nowadays, English Language Teaching uses technology as a necessary tool in the teaching-learning process in order it becomes more effective. This article presents the results of the research made about the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a digital competence for English language self-learning by university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology of this study is quantitative descriptive; 85 students of the Faculty of Languages UAEMex were selected by a non-probabilistic sampling. The method of collecting data was with the Background Questionnaire (Liu, et. al, 2008) to participants, which was designed and administered electronically. The results suggest that despite students who are indeed using their digital competences for English language self-learning, they are having some restrictions due to their internet connection. Finally, it is established that this health contingency raises challenges for the English Language teachers as not to depend only on the Internet connection for student’s self-learning.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Zamora, U. (2020). Digital competence of University Students in English Language Learning during COVID-19 times. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 2(3), 102-109.