The adjective in error analysis based on self-regulatory practices as error treatment.

Keywords: Errors, tipology, error treatment, french as foreign language


Within language learning contexts, error analysis represents a tool that enables teachers to identify causes in target language performance. By means of a corpus built from authentic written texts produced by students of French as a Foreign Language, this contribution analyses errors using the etiological criteria. This study, which has a mixed-methods research design and a descriptive scope, aims to identify errors in the use of adjectives and their gender and number agreement in French. The corpus is made of 188 written productions in French level A1, as well as 171 written productions in level A2. The texts were produced by students pursuing a degree in foreing language teaching. The foregoing is considered a variable within this study that collects both quantitative and qualitative data as it observes recurrences of the error while making an in-depth analysis to try to determine the causes behind it. The results show the importance of error identification in language teaching and how it can be addressed through self-regulatory practices.


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How to Cite
Fong Flores, J. E. (2021). The adjective in error analysis based on self-regulatory practices as error treatment. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 2(4), 46-55.