The digital competences of the contemporary translator in Mexico

Keywords: digital competences, ICT, computer-assisted translation (CAT), translation, translator training


The effective use of information and communication technologies, in the form of digital competence, has emerged as an indispensable part of human life in the 21st century, not only for leisure but also for work. This study sets out to investigate the development of digital competence in the realm of translation by considering personal variables such as gender, age, translation experience y self-reported degree of digital competence. The participants were 201 translators who were surveyed nationally and virtually through an adapted Questionnaire for Digital Competences of Contemporary Translators, which encompasses 87 items grouped into nine categories. The results showed that digital safety and office automation were the most reported digital competence categories, whereas project planning and computer-assisted translations were the least reported ones, though in general the whole sample obtained relatively low ratings in digital competence (below 1.5 on a 0-3 scale). Regarding the personal variables, gender differences were found in digital competences within the category of Localization and Audio-visual translation, meaning that male translators indicated more use of such competences. Also, translators’ age positively correlated with five competence categories and translation experience did correlated with the nine categories, meaning that the latter emerged as a better predictor. Interestingly, significant differences across three competence auto-perception levels were graphically observed, reflecting high consistency in what the participants reported for each particular competence. Finally, some pedagogical and professional implications are discussed for the sake of curriculum design and translation training and development.


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Author Biographies

Alfredo Marin-Marin, Universidad de Quintana Roo

Alfredo Marin holds a Ph.D. in English Language Teaching (University of Essex, UK), a Master’s degree in Educational Psychopedagogy (University of Havana), a Specialization in ELT, and a BA in English Language (University of Veracruz). He has held faculty and administrative positions at the University of Quintana Roo, where he served as Dean of the School of Political Science and Humanities, General Director of the International Relations Office and Head of the Department of Language and Education. He was the founder-president of the National Network of Research Groups on Foreign Languages (RECALE). He is currently a Senior Lecturer and Research Group Coordinator on Competences in the Digital Age (CACED), whose line of research is the digital competence of students and teachers in Higher Education. Other main interests include L2 vocabulary learning in English, teacher training and development, and translation studies.

Maria Isabel Hernández-Romero, Universidad de Quintana Roo

Full-time professor at the University of Quintana Roo. She has a degree in Applied Linguistics from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, a Master's Degree in Educational Technology from the University of Nebraska and she is Ph.D. candidate in International Education with an emphasis in Educational Technology from the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas. She is member of the scientific committee of the International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation.Her teaching experience is mainly focused on Educational Technology, Information Management through information and communication technologies, as well as Design of virtual learning environments. She belongs to the research group CACED (Competences in the Digital Age).  Her research interests include Digital competences on students and educators, Construction of personal learning environments, Digital Competence in Translation, Techno-pedagogical design in hybrid and online Education and Content Creation in remote education and online learning.


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How to Cite
Marin-Marin, A., & Hernández-Romero, M. I. (2021). The digital competences of the contemporary translator in Mexico. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 2(4), 1-8.