Theoretical proposal: Implementation of the elements of the immersion model for its adaptation to our context. Proposals for their application and evaluation

Keywords: Bilingual, culture, immersion, two way, language


The dual immersion model that works in some of the schools in the United States has been implemented with great success in the achievement of bilingualism among its students, so I believe that it is possible to rescue and evaluate some of the practices that are carried out within this working methodology, making adjustments corresponding to our context in order to get our students to acquire the necessary skills in the effective command of both languages , to this end I suggest the implementation and evaluation of a number of proposals based on this programme


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How to Cite
Meneses Vera, J. (2021). Theoretical proposal: Implementation of the elements of the immersion model for its adaptation to our context. Proposals for their application and evaluation. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 2(4), 42-45.