Metaphorization in language learning. The role of culture in the metaphorical competence

Keywords: Culture, language learning, metaphors, metaphorical competence, society


Language learning is characterized for assisting students in the development of the linguistic competence. Thus, students interact and are able of communicating efficiently in real situations. However, the metaphorical side of the learning process is nearly explored by language teachers. Currently, several studies, such as Acquaroni (2008), Lamartí (2011) and Domínguez (2020) show evidence that metaphors play a more important role than expected. Along with this statement, the role of culture in metaphors and cognitive processes are relevant and crucial elements that should be included in language teaching. The importance of this work, where the role of culture and society in the metaphorical processes and English language learning are studied, takes place in these essential ideas, stating that language learning and teaching can benefit from methodologies based on metaphors. This qualitative research, with a descriptive approach, shows results that supports the hypothesis that there are sociocultural elements in the L1 that generate, or inhibit, the linguistic transfer, and are evidenced in the development of the metaphorical competence in the L2. The changes in the current sociolinguistic contexts, the new teaching techniques and their approaches, and the closeness that students have with different linguistic elements foreign to their own language, predict the emergence of cognitive phenomena that can set ground for new strategies based in the use of metaphors. Finally, these ideas agrees to what Lakoff and Johnson (2003) say about metaphor and communication, stating that most of the daily activities (arguing, problem solving, organizing time, etcetera), are metaphors in nature.



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How to Cite
López Castillo, L. A., Saldívar Arreola, R., Lázaro Hernández, J. A., & Alvarado Martínez, E. (2021). Metaphorization in language learning. The role of culture in the metaphorical competence. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 3(5), 88-99.