Discoursive Interpretation for Educational Training: Humour ¿An Innocent Occurrence?

Keywords: Discourse, education, humour, innocent, language


The present work aims to critically analyse how innocent is the humour that is manifested through discourse and why it is important to consider it in the field of teaching as part of educational training. Through the analysis of discourse from a linguistic perspective, some of the strategies used by humour for various purposes will be analysed and in which the close link between language, culture and society is evident. The linguist model that will be used to carry out these analyses is the Scandinavian Theory of Linguistic Polyphony of the ScaPoLine, registered in the field of enunciation and a continuation of the works of the French linguist Oswald Ducrot.


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How to Cite
Meléndez Zarco, E. (2022). Discoursive Interpretation for Educational Training: Humour ¿An Innocent Occurrence?. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 3(6), 23-31. https://doi.org/10.29057/lc.v3i6.8575