La English lexical competence among university students in Mexico

Keywords: lexical competence, receptive vocabulary, language proficiency


The present study focuses on investigating a dimension of lexical competence: the receptive vocabulary size in English of 345 university students in Mexico. The Vocabulary Size Test (VST) by Nation and Beglar (2007) of 100 questions was adapted, allowing estimates of up to 20,000 words. The general results indicate that university students have an average receptive vocabulary of 11,367 words and that they follow a linear pattern according to their self-perceived level of English. The VST turned out to be a valid and reliable instrument to determine not only lexical competence, but also the language proficiency.


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Author Biography

María Isabel Hernández-Romero, Universidad de Quintana Roo

Full-time professor at the University of Quintana Roo. She has a degree in Applied Linguistics from the Universidad de Guadalajara, a master’s degree in Educational Technology from the University of Nebraska and she is Ph.D. candidate in International Education with an emphasis in Educational Technology from the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas. She is member of the scientific committee of the International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation. Her teaching experience is mainly focused on Educational Technology, Information Management through information and communication technologies, as well as design of on-line learning environments. She belongs to the research group CACED (Competences in the Digital Age).  Her research interests include digital competences on students and educators, construction of personal learning environments, digital competence in translation, techno-pedagogical design in hybrid and online education and content creation in remote education and online learning.



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How to Cite
Marin-Marin, A., & Hernández-Romero, M. I. (2022). La English lexical competence among university students in Mexico. Revista Lengua Y Cultura, 4(7), 15-25.