The use of virtual tandems as a tool for the motivation of learning English as a foreign language

Mots-clés: Foreign language, learning, motivation, padlets


There is a large number of learning strategies used in foreign language courses (FL). Frequently, priority is given to the development of grammar, reading comprehension, or vocabulary skills, leaving aside the feelings of the students and their motivation to learn. The use of virtual tandems is considered one of the tools that favor motivation in learning English as a FL. These consist of a group of virtual sessions between students who want to learn a foreign language, where they naturally exchange knowledge and vocabulary. The present study aims to identify changes in the motivation of students when using virtual language tandems. A qualitative methodology was followed, through discourse analysis in various pad-lets and a focus group of 21 subjects, where they were asked some questions related to their participation in the project and their experiences. The results were analyzed following the constructs of the Gardner y Lambert (1972) model as a reference and it was found that the use of virtual language tandems favors the attitude, interest, and, above all, the motivation that students have when learning to speak English as a FL.



Biographie de l'auteur

Perla Alicia Bueno Reyna, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Docente en la licenciatura de Lingüística Aplicada y en el Centro de Idiomas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UANL. Doctoranda en Psicología con énfasis en Educación. Maestra en Educación con énfasis en Psicología Educativa. Licenciada en Lingüística Aplicada. Colaboradora del Cuerpo Académico Consolidado Lenguas Extranjeras en el Noreste de México: Procesos Lingüísticos, Culturales y Educativos.


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