Analysis of thermal heat sinks under different types of fins using SolidWorks

Keywords: Thermal analysis, SolidWorks, Heat sink, Fins, Microchip


The microprocessor is a device used in computers to process information and execute its programs, from its operating system to the applications that the user performs, such as: machine language instructions, arithmetic and logical operations and access to computer´s memory. For its correct working, it is necessary to reject energy from the microchip to the surroundings throughout the use of heat sinks, which consist of an aluminum plate where extended surfaces are used to improve the heat transfer area. Among the heatsinks that are available in the market, are the square fin heatsinks. For this reason, the aim of this paper is analyzing thermally the heat dissipation process in a computer-microchip using SolidWorks software.  Furthermore, the thermal heat behavior of the square-finned is studied and the results obtained from temperature distribution are compared with those values obtained for four alternative fins configurations: 1) heat sink with rectangular fins, 2) heat sink with triangular fins, 3) heat sink with parabolic fins and 4) heat sink with circular fins.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Muñoz, J. L., Peña Hernández , L. Ángel, Pacheco Cedeño, J. S., Ramírez Minguela, J. de J., & Balcázar García, J. G. (2023). Analysis of thermal heat sinks under different types of fins using SolidWorks. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 10(20), 47-55.

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