SIRETEA: A window to teaching methods and assessment techniques

Keywords: Teaching methods, Techniques of performance evaluation, Observation instruments


Currently, teachers and students are faced with changes in education that require the constant development of their skills, since the new educational trends are focused on the development of skills and the evaluation of results, so traditional teaching strategies no longer they are enough to cover the current needs for the formation of the new generations. In this context, it is essential to develop resources that support teaching work in their usual practice and under this premise, a website called SIRETEA has been developed, which provides a theoretical, methodological and practical support on teaching methods, techniques of performance evaluation and observation instruments. In this work, the informative part of the portal is presented with the peculiarity that it has been treated mostly with digital resources in the form of Learning Objects, which offers possibilities for interaction and feedback to the user, being these fundamental characteristics in any process of training.


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How to Cite
Alonso Lavernia, M. de los A., Muñoz Sanchez, Y., Castillo Perez, I., & Martinez Lazcano, V. (2019). SIRETEA: A window to teaching methods and assessment techniques. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 6(12), 15-23.

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