Labor participation of women in senior management

Keywords: Senior management, discrimination, inclusion, gender equity


The development of this work focuses on determining the participation of women in senior management positions in Mexico, for which a documentary analysis was carried out, such is the case of the database of companies listed on the BMV and important specialist publications on the subject.As part of the analysis, the most important concepts that have to do with the personal and work development of women are established, as well as the percentages that European and Latin American countries are registering on the number of women participating in senior management.  From this, it can be highlighted that the enterprising, determined and prepared woman is competing decisively to occupy these positions, despite the high degree of discrimination that she has suffered for a long time.Likewise, it is feasible to establish that their constant fight against stereotypes and gender equality has made important advances, mainly in European countries such as Norway, which has achieved 47% of the positions in senior management are held by women. In the case of countries like Mexico have managed to have a presence in 18%. Similar percentages can be observed in some countries In Latin America, it is also determined the contribution that women can make as a result of the mere fact of achieving progress in gender equality, can be up to 12 billion dollars to world growth by 2025. 


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How to Cite
Vázquez-Domínguez, E., & Gómez-Ortiz, M. del P. (2021). Labor participation of women in senior management. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 8(15), 10-15.