Theories of Learning

  • Noemi Vega Autónomous University of the State of Hidalgo
  • Ruth Flores-Jiménez Autónomous University of the State of Hidalgo
  • Ivette Flores-Jiménez Autónomous University of the State of Hidalgo
  • Brenda Hurtado-Vega Independent Consultor
  • José Sergio Rodríguez-Martínez Autónomous University of the State of Hidalgo
Keywords: Learning theories, maneuvers of access to knowledge


The theories of learning are a construction that explains and prophesies how the human being learns based on the conception of different theorists. Thus in a general way theories contribute to knowledge and from different approaches explain how the learning process occurs in human beings. They are those that perform the representation of a process that will allow a person to learn something.

These will help us understand, anticipate and regulate behavior through the design of maneuvers that facilitate access to knowledge. In this way, it will interpret learning events and suggest solutions to problems that may arise in the teaching-learning process.

Within this conceptual map, five of the most representative education theories currently within psychology and education are addressed as they are; behavioral, constructivist, cognitive, socioconstructivist and social learning.


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How to Cite
Vega, N., Flores-Jiménez, R., Flores-Jiménez, I., Hurtado-Vega, B., & Rodríguez-Martínez, J. S. (2019). Theories of Learning. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 7(14), 51-53.
Abstracts, maps or knowledge application diagrams