Policies for environmentally responsible universities

Keywords: Environment, universities, policies


The environmental policies applied to university educational institutions help to improve the environment, the main objective being to publicize the advantages and the different ways of drafting environmental policies to be an environmentally responsible university, in addition to that it leads to having a more global mission. , have better critical thinking, increases tolerance and understanding, students and teachers learn to improve, strengthens communities, and most essentially protects the environment, as we well know, the more we care for the environment, the better our style of life. This article refers to some universities that use already structured environmental policy guides, being that the states where they are located are states with a lot of biodiversity, these policies make known the importance of the environment and how they generate an impact both for a medium and long term, in order to envision the implementation of policies and to publicize the commitment that the institution must have towards the education of trained professionals to care for the environment, using different techniques that facilitate and help the care process. environmental.


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How to Cite
Suárez Ovalle, T. Y., & Carlson Morales, C. (2023). Policies for environmentally responsible universities . XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 11(21), 1-3. https://doi.org/10.29057/xikua.v11i21.9170